The next time your in need of some TLC, try these luxurious spa treatments!
Chocolate Bubble Bath Recipe
Immerse yourself in the scent of chocolate with this lush chocolate bubble bath recipe!
1 cup bubble bath, unscented
1/3 cup unsweetened soy milk
3 oz dark chocolate (either in chunks broken up or in chips).
Heat soy milk in microwave until hot. Remove from microwave, then add chocolate,stirring well, until chocolate is completely melted. Add to 1 cup bubble bath, stirring well. Allow to cool, then pour into hot running bath water and enjoy!
Espresso Sugar Body Scrub Recipe
Do you love the smell of fresh roasted coffee? This scrub is not only great for
your body, but smells wonderful too, if you are a self admitted coffee lover!
2 cups coffee, coarsely ground
1/2 cup sugar
3 tbsp unscented massage oil
In a small bowl, combine all ingredients, making sure they are throughly mixed. In the shower or bath, use a small amount of espresso sugar body scrub to gently exfoliate your skin. Shower well to rinse off and finish off with moisturizing or body lotion.
Decadent Chocolate Facial Mask Recipe
A great way to treat your face to chocolate, without adding calories to your
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup honey
2 tbsp cream
3 tbsp oatmeal powder.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl, combining well. Apply decadent chocolate facial mask to the face, massaging it into the skin gently (the oatmeal will act as an exfoliant). Allow to dry on skin for 20 minutes then rinse off with warm water... you can do this in the shower to keep mess to a minimum! Apply moisturizer as needed.
Hot Oil Hair Treatment
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup boiling water
Place olive oil and boiling water into a large glass bottle or jar with lid (a glass baby bottle with a stopper works well) Be careful, as jar will become hot - you may want to wrap it with a towel. Shake very well until you can see the oil is distributed evenly throughout the water. Massage into hair when just barely cool enough to use. Put a shower cap over your hair (the ones you get in hotel rooms work great - you can also use a plastic grocery bag) then wrap with a damp hot towel. Allow hot oil to work your hair for half an hour, then
shampoo and condition as usual.
Make your own body sugaring "wax"
This natural body sugaring recipe is for hair removal. It is cheaper that buying wax for hair removal because you can make this at home whenever you need it.
2 cups sugar
1/4 cup cold water
1/4 cup lemon juice (pure, not lemonade please!)
candy thermometer
In a medium saucepan, add water, sugar and lemon juice and heat over low heat. Stir the mixture every 15 seconds or so to prevent burning. Keep heating until small bubbles begin to form, then check temperature with a candy thermometer. Once the thermometer reads 250F, remove the saucepan from the heat.Allow the mixture to cool for about 15 minutes, or until it is cool enough to touch without burning your skin. Place body sugaring mixture into a microwave-safe container and seal tightly. Body sugar will keep for one month before needing replacement. Heat in microwave before use. You can use an old cotton tshirt cut into strips for hair removal. You can apply with a wooden spoon or stick in a layer about 1/8" thick, then press cotton strips on top of body sugar then pull to remove, making sure to remove in the opposite direction of your hair growth. Pull as quickly as possible!
Hand and Nail Treatment
Use this recipe to help your hands, especially if they tend to get "work worn"
from gardening or other hand use.
Fill a large bowl with warm water. Add 2 mint tea bags, and let steep for about ten minutes. You will have to add a bit more warm water at the end of the ten minutes, unless you don't mind putting your hands in lukewarm water. Let your hands soak for five minutes.
White Chocolate Lip Balm Recipe
Make your chocolate lip balm super gourmet with white chocolate instead of
regular brown chocolate.
3 tbsp Cocoa butter
3-4 regular size white chocolate chips
1 vitamin E capsule (available at pharmacies)
1/4 tsp almond extract
In a microwave-safe glass dish, melt cocoa butter in microwave, watching it melt carefully. Remove dish from microwave (warning, it will be hot!) and add the white chocolate chips, stirring until chips are fully melted and combined with butter. Next, add vitamin E and extract, stirring well again until all lumps are gone. While still hot, pour into a clean lip balm tube or pot. Allow to cool to set, then enjoy!
Thanks to for these awesome recipes!
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