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Friday, August 6, 2010

Family Fun Friday

Keep the kids cool without a pool

* Fill an oversized bucket wtih water and put it in the middle of the yard. Your kids can use it to fill water guns and have water wars. This also keeps you from running the water hose constantly.

* Clean and save bottles such as shampoo, ketchup, and dish soap-to use as water squirters on hot days.

* If you have a trampoline, put a sprinkler underneath it.

* Go down to the creek and let your kids splash around in the water.

* Play Water Balloon Catch


Create the catchers by cutting the bottom off a gallon-size milk jug (one for each player), taping the cut edges, and decorating with ribbon, as shown.
Fill a bunch of water balloons to the size of a grapefruit.
See how many times you can toss the balloons without breaking them or how far you can catch and throw them.

You need:

Gallon-size milk jugs (one for each player)
Water balloons

*Play Fill "Er Up!

Divide the group into teams of two. Have teammates stand six feet from one another, one holding a small cup with a Ping-Pong ball in it and the other a water-filled spray bottle.

On "go," players with bottles try to be the first to squirt enough water into their teammate's cup to float out the ball. Keep a bucket of water nearby for refilling. If teammates get closer than six feet, they must dump out the water in the cup and start over.

* Fill up your bathtub with cool water and let your kids put their bathings suits on. Throw in some toys or bathtime crayons.

* Play Splashdown


Each player gets a small bucket filled with water, and a big car wash sponge.
Players stand about 8 feet apart with their buckets on the ground directly in
front of them. Each player tries to throw her wet sponge into the other's bucket
(and splash the other player, of course!). Each successful toss is worth one point.
The sponges are thrown back and forth until one player reaches an agreed-upon
point total — or both players just start throwing sponges at each other.

You need:
1 small bucket (ours were 2-1/2 gallons) for each player
1 big car wash sponge for each player

1 comment:

  1. " Clean and save bottles such as shampoo, ketchup, and dish soap-to use as water squirters on hot days."

    I have done this, too. I have found that squirt guns are so junky and fall apart after the first use or two, causing little hearts to be broken. Squirt bottle rule!;)


John 3:16-17

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."

Thanks for stopping by!

I hope these tips will help you as much as they have me!

God Bless and Happy Homemaking!
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